Little Island releases first ever Social Impact Study
July 15, 2024

Little Island, a public park designed by Heatherwick Studios perched over New York’s Hudson River, opened to the public in May 2021. Since then, over 1.5 million people visit annually for various reasons.
Little Island commissioned AEA Consulting to design its first social impact study, to better understand the impact its space (the landscaped public park on the Hudson River) and activities (arts and community programming and workforce development) have on the local community, visitors, artists, and staff.
The research and analysis that underpinned the study included analysis of existing Little Island data and new primary data collection – surveys, interviews, and group conversations – to answer research questions and uncover new ones:
- Who are the current visitors of Little Island, and how do they perceive it?
- What are the primary reasons for visiting Little Island?
- How does the physical design of Little Island shape user experience?
To support this initiative, AEA developed a research methodology that is participatory in nature, provides a clear narrative of Little Island’s social impact, and able to be operationalized long-term so that it contributes to long-term investment and the organization’s sustainability
We’re pleased to share the summary report of the study, developed in partnership with Little Island, Heatherwick Studio, and social impact study participants. Download the summary report here.